
Recently I read an article that went through my body. It took me and shaked me well. It brought a lot of emotions and thoughts that I had been going through lately. Maybe this is something that happens when you turn to 28 and so on.

”Why I’m here and what I should do with my life”? I believe that many of us wonder those questions from time to time. I like them, and I don’t. It keeps me on track, but at the same time, it’s exhausting to think all the time. I prefer to do, but no, my mind decides something different. I should control my mind, not the other way around. I’m still learning I guess, but I’ll get there.

This article woke up something big inside of me. I have read it three times now, and I keep going on. I especially liked this,

''What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There''

And if I’m honest with myself, I’ve been a prisoner of my mind and photography the past five years. I’ve been reflecting my life ONLY on the photos. And that’s way too much because there’s so much more to give to this World and my life. And don’t tell anyone, but I believe that if I focus on other dreams, I’ll get better in photography as well. Step out, Step in. I’ll get a lot of inspiration from my life when I’m not thinking about photos. Just capturing moments when life happens.

And that’s why I’ve found a passion for documenting my own life again which happens every second. I don’t go out without my camera anymore. But, what are the other dreams? Well, I want to learn acting. I want to hold an exhibition of my work. I’m going to start mentoring for someone (If you’re interested, drop me an email – it’s for free). I’m going to school. I’ll get better with my friends. I’m going to write a book. Learn stock trading. I love to solve problems, so I’m going to find answers to questions.

My first blog post was ”New Chapter,” and I wrote it for my new site. Now when I look back, I wrote it to my life as well.

Remember to read this excellent article; I believe you can find a lot of inspiration from there as I did.

Now, few more photos to you with Fujifilm X100f & my favourite, Rolleicord VB.

4 responses to “180˚

  1. Naulan kantaan juttua! Pidin persoonallisuuden määritelmästä, ei fiksattu käsite vaan ympäristöstä heijastuva elävä peilikuva, jonka voi johtaa omiin toimintamalleihin eri tilanteissa. Perusasioiden äärellä!

    1. Ciao Leo!

      Kiitos ajatuksistasi! Mielenkiinnolla tiedustelisin, miten eksyit blogiini? Aktiivisuus kun tämän suhteen on ollut kadoksissa, en ajatellut, että joku käy täällä. Mukavaa kun pistäydyit!

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